3 Ways a Garage Door Can Create a More Energy Efficient Home
Do you need to put on your heaviest winter coat before you walk into the garage? An ice-cold garage might seem inevitable, but it’s actually a sign of an efficiency problem. Proper garage door insulation—with the appropriate materials for your environment—can lead to...
A Guide To Garage Door Weatherproofing in Bend
From snowstorms that drop a few feet at a time to sunny days that turn snowmelt into dangerously icy conditions, winter in Bend is no joke. And these conditions can impact your garage door as well. Luckily, when it comes to garage door weatherproofing, we’ve had over...
A Complete Guide to Garage Door Springs
When you consider the heavy lifting garage door springs have to do daily, they’re pretty incredible. They’re not the most exciting thing (you probably won’t show them off to visitors). But they are essential to your garage door’s smooth and efficient...